Photo Credits and Copyright
All photographs on this site were taken by me, Neil Robertson.
All photographs © Neil Robertson.
You may not download or otherwise use any of the photographs
found on this site for any reason without written permission from me.
Please email me if you would like to:
- Use any of my photographs
- Purchase any of my photographs as a:
- Greeting card
- Print
- Coffe mug
- Or any other form
My contact information can be found
Website Information
For the curious, here's some information about my website:
- It's coded by hand in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- The pages are built and maintained with Notepad
- Bless google and the web for the help they've given:
- With tutorials and reference material
- With help for some arcane techniques
- With help figuring out some knotty problems
- Hosting is done by GoDaddy (it was Comcast but they stopped free hosting)
- GoDaddy is my Domain registrar
- My Domain names are (this site) and (my resume)
- Photo gear:
- My underwater photography is film based using the Nikonos system
- I shoot with a Nikonos V and I have a spare V and a III
- My strobes are mainly Ikelite MVs
- I just got a pair of Ikelite 150s that I'm getting ready to use
- Although my land camera is an N80, we also have a digital Nikon Coolpix S205
- Slide scanning is with a Nikon LS-2000 with an SF-200 slide feeder (a recent addition)
- Photo processing:
- I use IrfanView for almost all photo manipulation
- For removing backscatter and similar manipulations, I use GIMP
- To handle the 900 or so photos in the Underwater Photo Showcase, I use:
- Excel spreadsheets to hold the base information
- I wrote Excel VB Macros to extract information from the spreadsheets and create JavaScript
- Each photo has a corresponding JavaScript function that sets up variables with that photo's information
- Photos are organized into Sets, each set being a JavaScript function
Props to Stu Nicholls at for the drop down menu code in CSS that I used as the basis for my menu system.
Website Update History
This is a list of all the changes made to the website in reverse chronological order.
03/12/2016: Added 96 photos from 2014 & 2015 to Photo Showcase
Added the the best of 2014 & 2015 (96 images) to the Photo Showcase, including the Top 10 & Best 100 sets.
Here's a link to the main Photo page:
03/04/2016: Added remaining 2014 and all 2015 dives
Added the remaining 2014 dives and all my 2015 ones
Here's a link to the main Dive page:
And here are the dives so far:
Breakwater, 12/19/2015
Ocean Cove, 10/10-11/2015
Breakwater, 8/23/2015
Breakwater, 8/22/2015
Outer Lovers Point, 7/25/2015
Coastguard Pier, 4/26/2015
Outer Lovers Point, 3/25/2015
Coast Guard Pier, 2/07/2015
Point Lobos, 8/30/2014
Catalina: Damn Daleks, 8/01/2014
Catalina: Misc, 7/30/14 > 8/2/2014
Catalina: Garibaldi, 7/30/14 > 8/2/2014
Point Lobos, 7/12/2014
03/03/2016: Added 2015 & 2016 Calendars
Added my 2015 and 2015 Underwater Calendars to the Calendar page.
And the link is:
06/05/2014: Added 2014 dives to date
Finally got round to adding images from 2014 dives to Flick/R and adding them to the dive menus.
Here's a link to the main Dive page:
And here are the dives so far:
Coastguard Pier (my 900th dive), 5/25/14
Metridium Fields, 5/25/14
Point Lobos, 3/8/14
Coastguard Pier, 3/1/14
06/05/2014: Added 2014 Easter Eggs
We had Easter Egg decorating this year, woohoo.
Here's a link to the main Easter Egg page:
02/08/2014: Added 2013 dives
Finally got round to adding images from all 2013 dives to Flick/R and adding them to the dive menus.
Here's a link to the main Dive page:
02/08/2014: Added our 2014 Underwater California calendar
Finally got round to adding 2014's Underwater California calendar.
Here's a link to the main Calendar page:
Underwater California Calendar page
02/08/2014: Added 2013 & rescanned 1990-92 images to Photo Showcase
Finally got round to adding the best images from 2013's dives, plus rescanned images from 1990-1992.
Here's a link to the Photo Showcase page:
02/27/2013: Added our 2013 Underwater California calendar
Finally got round to adding 2013's Underwater California calendar.
Here's a link to the main Calendar page:
Underwater California Calendar page
02/25/2013: Added 2012 photos to the Underwater Photo Showcase
Updated my Photo Showcase page with 50 or so images from 2012.
Here's a link to the Underwater Photo Showcase page. To view the resently added images, select by Year then select either Best of 2012 or Rest of 2012:
Underwater Photo Showcase page
02/19/2013: Added photos from Jim Grass' Gerstle Cove (10/20/2012) and Point Lobos (12/07/2012) class dives
We had beautiful conditions for both these dive days (unlike our Mendocino adventore in November, when I didn't even get in the water).
Here's a link to the main Dive page. The link to the images is on the left under "Recent dive trips":
Main dive page
1/15/2013: Rescanned slides from 1993 & 1994 for Photo Showcase
After rescanning all 1993 & 1994 underwater slides, I replaced all images with 1993 & 1994 images in the Photo Showcase with 115 new rescanned ones. To view the rescanned images, Select by Year then choose a Best of Year set or a Rest of Year set.
Here's a link to the Photo Showcase page:
Underwater Photo Showcase
10/14/2012: Rescanned slides from 1995 & 1996 for Photo Showcase
After rescanning all 1995 & 1996 underwater slides, I replaced all 140 1995 & 1996 images in the Photo Showcase with 156 new rescanned ones. To view the rescanned images, Select by Year then choose a Best of Year set or a Rest of Year set.
Here's a link to the Photo Showcase page:
Underwater Photo Showcase
09/30/2012: Added photos from Jim Grass' Marine Biology class in Monterey, 9/14-9/16 2012
It was a beautiful weekend in Monterey. I went down Friday afternoon and did a night dive at Coastguard Pier. Then with the class we did two dives on Saturday at Coastguard Pier (20' viz) and one dive on Sunday at McAbee (so we could go for Brunch at El Torrito). Conditions were wonderful.
Here's a link to the main Dive page. The link to the images is on the left under "Recent dive trips":
Main dive page
09/25/2012: Added my Marine Ecology lecture from 9/25/2012
Added my Powerpoint presentation from the Marine Ecology lecture I gave at City College as part of Jim Grass' Marine Biology class. Here's a link to the Marine Ecology page that links to the presentation:
Marine Ecology page
08/18/2012: Added photo (singular) from a Gerstle Cove dive on 8/18/2012
It was a beautiful weekend at Sea Ranch and we did one dive at Gerstle Cove. Conditions were wonderful. I've only posted one shot, but it's a pretty cool one.
Here's a link to the main Dive page. The link to the images is on the left under "Recent dive trips":
Main dive page
05/18/2012: Added photos from Coastguard Pier dives on 5/4/2012 & 5/5/2012
It was a beautiful weekend in Monterey and I did two dives at Coastguard Pier. Conditions weren't the best but I got a couple of good shots, including a Hermissenda crassicornis.
Here's a link to the main Dive page. The link to the images is on the left under "Recent dive trips":
Main dive page
04/11/2012: Added Neil's Top 10
Added Neil's Top 10 as a set of images that are the first things to see on the Photo Showcase page. Here's a link to the page in question:
Underwater Photo Showcase
04/07/2012: IE Bug Fix
In Internet Explorer, the main menu at the top of each page sometimes displayed in the middle of the page heading logo, instead of just underneath it. That's now been fixed.
04/04/2012: Major upgrade to the Underwater Photo Showcase page
The following changes were made to the Underwater Photo Showcase page:
- Rescanned all images from 1997 to 2012 (some of them really needed it)
- Added a couple hundred more images
- Created a set of images called Neil's Best that displays when the Photo Showcase page is entered
- Changed the sort order of photos to display the most recent ones first
- Added scientific names alongside the common name for each critter
- When viewing images by year, there's now a Rest of YYYY as well as a Best of YYYY
Here's a link to the page in question:
Underwater Photo Showcase
03/04/2012: Added PPT of Marine Eco lecture on 3/2/2012
Added my Powerpoint presentation from the Marine Ecology lecture I gave at City College as part of their Biology Seminar Series. Here's a link to the Marine Ecology page that links to the presentation:
Marine Ecology page
12/18/2011: Added photos from Marine Eco class dives in Mendocino and Monterey
Added photos from Jim Grass' Marine Ecology class in Mendocino on 11/19/11 (Russian Gulch) and
11/20/11 (Van Damme).
Terrible dive conditions on Saturday at Russian Gulch - we only did one dive and a short one at that. Van Damme on Sunday was quite a bit better.
Also shots from the Marine Eco class at Point Lobos on 12/2/11 and a later night dive at Coastguard Pier.
Conditions were quite good but the swell coming in was quite big.
10/31/2011: Added photos from Marine Eco class dives in Sonoma
Added photos from Jim Grass' Marine Ecology class in Sonoma on 10/22/11 (Gerstle Cove)
and 10/23/11 (Fort Ross).
This was one of the best dive weekends we've ever had up in Sonoma County,
flat calm with good visibility.
10/19/2011: Added Underwater Calendar page
The main change was to add a page with links to the Underwater California calendars
I've been making the past few years.
It also affected the main menu system, which received some minor tweaking.
I also added a copyright statement at the bottom of each page
and a Copyright and Credits section to the WebInfo page.
10/02/2011: Rescanned all slides from the 2011 Marine Eco lecture
09/27/2011: Added 2011 Marine Ecology lecture at San Francisco City College
09/19/2011: Redesigned menu system, added underwater shots from this year
This was an extensive update that:
- Changed the menus to allow drop down menus
- Used JavaScript to allow centralized control of frequently changing items (e.g. recent dives)
- Moved Recent Updates off of the home page
- Cleaned up some peripheral items
- Positioned the website for future updates
- Added photos from all the dives I've done in 2011 (I was a bit behind with that)
05/15/11: Added 2011 Easter Egg shots
All Easter Egg shots were also moved from mySpace to Flick/R
10/03/10: Added Metridium Fields shots from 9/25/10
09/22/10: Moved my resume to and rewrote it from scratch
09/21/10: Added 2010 Marine Ecology lecture I gave at City College
08/12/10: Added Metridium Fields and Coastguard Pier shots from 7/31/10
08/12/10: Added Point Lobos shots from 7/1/10
06/28/10: Added new page for the Kinetic Sculpture Races in Arcata:
05/12/10: Added Point Lobos shots from 3/6/10 and 5/8/10
04/21/10: Added new Photo Showcase page with 600 underwater images
This was a major effort which involved:
- Looking out and scanning over 600 slides
- Creating Excel spreadsheets with information about each slide
- Building a system in JavaScript to display them
- Building a system that built JavaScript functions from the Excel image files
04/12/10: Added 2010 Easter Eggs to Easter page
03/03/10: Added Lovers Point shots from 2/06/10
02/03/10: Changed list of \"Recent Dives\" to a scrollable list
02/01/10: Added shots from Point Lobos dives on 12/4/09 and 1/09/10
11/05/09: Added shots from the Marine Ecology class in Gerstle Cove
10/08/09: Added a temp directory only accessable as
10/03/09: Added shots from last weekend's Marine Ecology class in Monterey
09/24/09: Added Marine Ecology page with the last Marine Ecology Lecture I gave
09/17/09: Changed resume (complete rewrite)
09/14/09: Added Ocean Cove shots from 8/22/09
09/14/09: Changed "Update History" to scroll boxes
07/29/09: Straightened house photo on main menu
07/22/09: Added Coastguard Pier dive shots from 7/18/09
07/16/09: Added an index.htm page to each main subject as a redirect
07/16/09: Added Furniture page
06/19/09: Updated resume so would work
06/10/09: Added 2009 Easter Egg shots
05/21/09: Added Point Lobos shots from 5/9/09
04/23/09: Added Links & Contact Info page
04/19/09: Added Point Lobos shots from 4/9/09
04/03/09: First production version of the website
All photographs © Neil Robertson, all right reserved.